Learning Resources

Finding Severity Classification

At OpenBounty, all findings are classified in 5 severity levels:
  • The client's and or the user of the smart contract's funding suffers a loss, no matter if it can be recovered or not afterward.
  • The vulnerability that may cause the control issue that impacts the business flow of the project.
  • The potential fraud that is caused by the owner of the sensitive role/address in the project.
  • The client's information may be leaked due to the vulnerability. For example, private key leakage in the repository
  • Finding that needs to be addressed immediately.
  • The inconsistency between design and implementation will cause the loss of funding or create the vulnerability.
  • The unpredicted result of external function invocation.
  • Finding that needs to be addressed ASAP.
  • The vulnerability that does not cause assets lose or lose control of the project.
  • Not validated payload from the user input.
  • Project Information/Data could be reused on different blockchain.
  • Finding that needs to be addressed when the client's time permits.
  • Any security concerns that are out of the audit scope.
  • Finding that can optionally be addressed depending on the client's decision.
  • Finding that related to inconsistent with the implementation in the official library.
  • Finding that could cause ambiguous and not easy to understand without any specific comments/annotation.
  • Optimization improvement that can reduce the deployment or transaction fee.
  • Unnecessary require() check that could be removed to reduce the gas cost
  • Incorrect variable used that will not cause any negative effect e.g. does not cause asset lose.
  • Finding that needs to be confirmed with the client. This will be updated into one of the above levels in the final report

Finding State Machine

The finding state machine on OpenBounty follows a structured workflow to ensure efficient bug bounty management. The process begins with the finding in the "Draft" status, where whitehats can edit and submit their findings. Once submitted, the status changes to "Submitted."
Projects on the platform then verify the findings and can transition them to either "Active" if it qualifies as a valid issue or "Closed" if it is determined to be not applicable or non-reproducible.
During the "Active" status, whitehats have the opportunity to update their findings. If the web3 project confirms the finding as a bug, the status changes to "Confirmed." However, if the web3 project determines that the finding is out of scope or cannot be reproduced, it can also be changed to "Closed."
After confirmation, if the web3 project pays the reward and the whitehat confirms the receipt of the reward, the finding's status can be changed from "Confirmed" to "Paid." This structured workflow ensures clarity and transparency throughout the bug bounty process, fostering effective collaboration between whitehats and web3 projects on OpenBounty.